Tuesday, July 1, 2008

New World Civilization

New World Civilization
The Dawn of New World Civilization is in the time of meeting point of decade, century and millennium is infront ahead of all of us that Uphold the Prosperity and Harmony JUST World balancing against the New World Order that are full of Deceiption and Falsehood and creating chaos and havoc everywhere with the UNJUSTICE manner.
Let All of Us together we Praise Almighty Most Gracious Most Merciful Most Knoweth to Bless Us the World Citizen the Universal Citizen with His Guidance with the Light to the Right Path not being astray by the whisper of the Pagan and Unbelievers.
All of Us are the Servants of The Creator that want our Souls to go back to our Homeland in the Higher Universe in the Hereafter and Do Good Deeds in this World for the Bettermen of Mankind with the Message of God : LOVE.
May New Dawn Of World Civilization bring Us Hope of LOVE from The Creator Most Intelligence of The Infinity Intelligent to the Universe and Our World for a Prosperous and Harmony JUST World.